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Campbasel-ArtBasel Off 2017

The Pink Miradoor is in itself a monument sent from the 8th Continent under construction by the artist in the Pink Spirit and with the help of the Banana Manifestos in rose hood. It allows to take the height and questions about the geopolitical world of the moment.
The ambivalence and memory of the dark periods
of humanity (prison, surveillance, wars, anti-(im)
migrations walls ...) is certain.

The artist in Banana Manifesto mode offers a series of face to face, one hour, between a Pink Miradoor® and 13 monuments (Sculptures, museums, architectures ...) of the city of Basel and its surroundings in order to visit the Past, to take advice, to dialogue, to exchange, to think together in order to build the 8th Continent.

Back at Camp Basel, the Pink Mirador will be placed on a blue box of a total height of 6 meters. Inside the box, a mini-surprise show.

The Pink Utopie on the Monde Bleu !

In addition, every evening, a small performance Banana Manifesto, with special guest Niki Passath, starting with the Cri Pink all in heart : “Pink, Punk, Peace” - “Pink, Punk, Peace” - “Pink,  Punk, Peace”...

By the way, Camp Basel in June 2017 marks the 1st of the 13 stages in programming worldwide for 2017-18 : Koln-train station-Germany ; Mexican Desert ; Musée de la Rose-Beijing-China ; New- York-Green Line ; Musée Munch dʼOslo ; Tanger Beach-Marocco ; Japan Tower-Tokyo ; London Callling Frieze-UK ; Dakar Port-Sénégal., Berlin Wall...

Pour l'humanité bleue, de bons signes et un bon cri Pink !

Link on Youtube :
“Pink Miradoors Monuments+ Banana Manifesto CampBasel June 2017”

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